ISOBUS - Seeder Control
ISOBUS Seeder Control
ISOBUS pneumatic
seeders & applicators
- Supports up to 6 bins/hoppers simultaneously.
- Liquid application also supported with electric pumps and injection systems.
- Compatible with both Unipod and Powerpod ECU’s.
- Full task control and variable rate mapping support across all 6 bins/hoppers.
- Control micro seed applicators – electric motor with encoder & electric or hydraulic fan.
- Automatic weight calibration of products using load cell technology.
- Supports up to 12 additional controls, including hydraulic functions and external lights.
- Variable seed depth measurement to ensure seeds are placed at the correct depth.
- Pressure monitoring inside sealed Tanks/Hoppers.
- Full seed blockage sensing support, all ISOBUS compatible, up to 256 sensors.